Cyberpunk - Firestorm: Shockwave

You knew it had to happen: the Big Boys on the Corporate Block, ARASAKA and MILITECH have pulled off the gloves in a no-holds-barred slugfest for control of the arms market -- and the planet.
Now, as brutal battles turn cities around the globe into rubble, Edgerunners everywhere are being fed into the meatgrinder of full-on corporate war. No "covert, low-intensity, cover-your-tracks" type of operation here -- no, we're talkin' howling down the street, guns blazing as enemy fire rips up the pavement missions using state-of-the-art tools of mass destruction.This cyberwar sourcebook has something for everyone, including:
You knew it had to happen: the Big Boys on the Corporate Block, ARASAKA and MILITECH have pulled off the gloves in a no-holds-barred slugfest for control of the arms market -- and the planet.
Now, as brutal battles turn cities around the globe into rubble, Edgerunners everywhere are being fed into the meatgrinder of full-on corporate war. No "covert, low-intensity, cover-your-tracks" type of operation here -- no, we're talkin' howling down the street, guns blazing as enemy fire rips up the pavement missions using state-of-the-art tools of mass destruction.This cyberwar sourcebook has something for everyone, including:
- Briefings on the beginning stages of the Hot War, including a complete timeline detailing all major events.
- Profiles and equipment for the corporate warriors on both sides -- as well as other forces that will help decide the outcome of the war.
- New Character Roles: Aerojock, PA Trooper, and Panzerboy -- plus 5 new skills.
- All sorts of millspec newtech, featuring 4 new ACPA suits, more than 20 pieces of new combat gear and 17 new weapons.
- New vehicles, ranging from air superiority fighters to urban warfare cyberwalks.
- A listing of vehicles and major military hardware right out of the Maxiumum Metal sourcebook rules.
- Rules for streamlined vehicle combat and resolving small unit battles.
- Profiles on 5 corporate target sites, each with adventure hooks.
- A climactic mission which leads the characters to the heart of Arasaka -- alongside some familiar faces!
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